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⇒ Read Gratis Imhotep eBook Jerry Dubs

Imhotep eBook Jerry Dubs

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Download PDF Imhotep eBook Jerry Dubs

Imhotep eBook Jerry Dubs

No matter how much the author tries to justify modern adults having sex with thirteen-year-olds (and he goes on and on in his attempts to justify it), this book spends a lot of time with powerful people exploiting the powerless, sexually and in other ways. It's poorly written on many levels, and clearly never saw the attention of an editor. (Seriously. "Flair" is not a verb. "Flare" is what a match does when you light it. This single error happens several times, and there are many more like it.) It has almost none of the qualities that make a well written time travel story interesting to read. I gave up on it a third of the way through, which means I overpaid substantially for the book in my time and attention, even though I got it for free during a recent promotion. Skip this work.

Read Imhotep eBook Jerry Dubs

Tags : Imhotep - Kindle edition by Jerry Dubs. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Imhotep.,ebook,Jerry Dubs,Imhotep,Jerry Dubs,Fiction Historical,Fiction Science Fiction Time Travel

Imhotep eBook Jerry Dubs Reviews

I bought this for my android cellphone/kindle. It is a fantastic story and kept my attention the entire time and I couldn't put my phone/kindle down.

Others are telling you the plot so I won't repeat it. What I will say is that the author had an amazing imagination when he wrote this story.

He places an American into a character that was not yet in existence (in the story) but was already part of our known history. Extremely clever idea and unexpected by me.

I cringed during part of the scenes because some of it was harsh, but the story still held my interest. I wanted more and did not want the story to end. I would have liked to see what happened to Diane when she returned to "our" time and had to explain where she and her boyfriend were. Very interesting story. I will read it again in a few weeks because there was so much going on that I want to absorb it again.
This book has an interesting premise but I found all the characters unrealistic.. Three people of very different temperaments and backgrounds end up 5000 years in the past in an Egypt before pyramids. Even the most clued in of them, the guy who ends up staying and becoming the named historical person of the title, seems unsuited to the task. I am always amazed that a modern hero who has no political inclinations or prior experience falls into the past and instantly is able to navigate a royal court with all its history, intrigues, and personalities with so little difficulty. These three, in mere weeks, all learned enough language to carry on near philosophical conversations. Let's hear it for immersion learning!

The three modern characters all seemed written as types - the clued in for no particular reason hero, the jock, the sorority princess - and not individuals and I never cared much about any of them. We get long descriptive passages telling us why each character is the way they are rather than having them either give us dialogue clues that add up to an individual personality or just letting them face the plot in their characteristic manners and become real people to us. The viewpoints hopped around so each character could have been gone into better. The ancient characters also seemed types - the devout acolyte of the goddess love interest, the young prince, the corrupt priest, the power-mad vizier, the old mystic, etc. - rather than individuals. The corrupt people had no redeeming characteristics. The good guys were all really, really good. Real people, and compelling characters, are not like that.

The plot and the premise were good enough that they deserved better characters to carry them out. The writing style was fine, though it needed some work in the punctuation. At the end, I felt unsatisfied. I just wanted... more. And not a sequel - though it has at least one. I wanted more depth, and more realistic characters, in what there was.
I apparently got the latest, best edited edition. I found very few editorial gaffes.

I like the author's understated, conversational writing style. I don't like overblown prose, so this suited me.

I did get a little bored with the travelog style of story telling as he related the main characters' travels up & down the Nile River. It was almost as dry as Heroditus' version of his travels...

However, he did keep the storyline moving along at an acceptable pace. I liked how he portrayed both the good guys & the bad guys. He didn't make use of the stereotypical all bad, all powerful bad guys nor did he give the good guys syrupy perfection. He allowed his characters to be flawed & human, making mistakes just like anyone else can.

My one objection is that he gave the main protagonist a 'deus ex machina' in the form of a backpack filled with the most complete & amazing first aid kit... I mean really... Who would bring antibiotic meds on a vacation to Egypt? I can agree with the rest of the contents of the kit, but antibiotics? No. Antibiotics are prescribed for specific types of bacterial infections. You need to know which group of bacteria that you are treating before administering them... The same is true for broad spectrum antibiotics. So, no that part was totally unbelievable in my honest opinion.

Other than the above complaint, I enjoyed this book. I was even able to ignore the anachronistic camels... )
No matter how much the author tries to justify modern adults having sex with thirteen-year-olds (and he goes on and on in his attempts to justify it), this book spends a lot of time with powerful people exploiting the powerless, sexually and in other ways. It's poorly written on many levels, and clearly never saw the attention of an editor. (Seriously. "Flair" is not a verb. "Flare" is what a match does when you light it. This single error happens several times, and there are many more like it.) It has almost none of the qualities that make a well written time travel story interesting to read. I gave up on it a third of the way through, which means I overpaid substantially for the book in my time and attention, even though I got it for free during a recent promotion. Skip this work.
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